Price(low) Themes for Miscellaneous Category

In this category, you will find various different website categories template that will highlight your business regardless its area. We have decided to create this section for our top rated and top seller templates, so you have a direct access to the best templates collection of Gridgum. As you see, the templates are for very different subject but upon request we can change any of them to become your customized website.

Patron - Responsive Admin Dashboard
Author Themelool
Patron is a fully responsive modern admin dashboard Based on Bootstrap 3 & HTML5 design reminiscent of the new translucent UI.
Features: Responsive layout (desktops, tablets, mobile devices); Built with new Bootstrap 3.3.2; Include Over 18 plugins; 1000+ Icons - Featuring Font Awesome, Ion Icons, and Glyphicons.; Boxed View, Top Navigation view ....
Patron - Responsive Admin Dashboard - by ,
0.00/ 5stars
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by Themelool From Admin Templates
2050-12-12 $ 15
Biker Club Bootstrap responsive theme
Author Mecovache
This is Biker’s Club Bootstrap template that can be bought and used by people who are members or owners of clubs. The Bootstrap template can be downloaded and used in order to launch a highly functional website. If you want to spread a word about your activities and deeds, then the best place to do it is internet but for that, you will need a website. Therefore, many people are purchasing already created and designed templates to easily transform those to websites rather than create everything by themselves. So if you have no programming background and never worked with templates
Biker's Club Bootstrap responsive theme - by ,
0.00/ 5stars
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by Mecovache From Bootstrap Website Template
2050-12-12 $ 15
soccer template
Author Mecovache
This is Football Bootstrap template, which can be used by any football club that wants to demonstrate their players, games and etc. It does not matter what kind of club it is, professional or amateur and who are its members, adults or children, it can be used by everyone. Also if you are a football player who wants to represent himself to the audience then he can use this template as a portfolio and include all the information about himself. To run the Bootstrap template, you will need an HTML editor like, Adobe Dreamweaver, which will change the theme based on your preferences and wishes.
Soccer Team Bootstrap Theme - by ,
0.00/ 5stars
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by Mecovache From Bootstrap Templates
2050-12-12 $ 16
tattoo website template
Author webdev
Presenting our latest tattoo bootstrap website template. This template is your last stride towards a productive, fruitful business. On the off chance that you run an organization that arrangement with tattoos, this is what Gridgum has for you. A tattoo template stars from the right of the page with 6 most tabs that highlight the blueprint of your site. After that comes a little symbol of all top of the line tattoo craftsman where you can tap on it keeping in mind the end goal to pursue increasingly or book an arrangement.
Tattoo design Template - by ,
0.00/ 5stars
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by webdev From Bootstrap Website Templates
2050-12-12 $ 16
Admin Dashboard Template
Author optimisticdesigns
LanderApp is a fully responsive Admin Template built with Latest Bootstrap 3.3 and latest jQuery versions. This WebApp and Admin template is developed for all type of web applications like custom admin panel, admin dashboard, application backend, CMS, CRM, business website, corporate, portfolio, blog etc. This template comes with a huge collection of easy to use components and plugins. FEATURES Built with Bootstrap 3.3 Beautiful design, created with love to the details Right-to-left direction support Responsive multilevel main menu
LanderApp - Responsive WebApp & Admin - by ,
0.00/ 5stars
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by optimisticdesigns From Admin & Dashboard
2050-12-12 $ 16
Veneto - Responsive Bootstrap Admin
Author optimisticdesigns
Veneto Admin is a flat and fully responsive admin template built with Bootstrap 3+ Framework. This Bootstrap Admin Template has a huge collection of reusable UI components, elements and integrated with the latest jQuery plugins. Performance of each component is highly optimized for different browsers and devices. Veneto Admin can be used for all type of web applications like Analytics Application, Project Management System, Admin Panel, Backend Application, Ticketing System, Customer Service Software, CRM, CMS, etc.
Features: Build with Twitter Bootstrap 3.2, HTML5 and CSS3
Veneto - Responsive Bootstrap Admin - by ,
0.00/ 5stars
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by optimisticdesigns From Admin & Dashboard
2050-12-12 $ 16
Default author logo
VueLab is pleased to announce the addition of a new product – Charity Organization – HTML5 template. Before going through each page, we’ll start with a little bit about HTML5. HTML5 is the newest version of HyperText Markup Language. It is often compared to Adobe Flash, as both of them include having features to play audio and video files within web pages. Even though HTML5 can’t be used for animation or interactivity on its own, it was still considered to be the better choice by Apple Inc.
Charity Organization - HTML5 Template - by ,
0.00/ 5stars
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by VueLab From HTML5 Templates
2050-12-12 $ 16
Furniture Store - Bootstrap 4 Template
Author htmldevelop
Now it is time to represent brand new eCommerce Bootstrap 4 template – Furniture store. In this modern world, everyone is looking for brand new furniture to set up his or her homes fashionably. Thus, this new theme is a great fit for the businesses that are selling furniture on the internet, those can be: chairs, lamps, tables, sofas and etc. This bootstrap template is created by CSS, JS, HTML5(jQuery) and bootstrap 4 frameworks. To customize this template you need any HTML or Code editor such as Adobe Dreamweaver or any other which you consider best working with.
Furniture store - Bootstrap 4 Template - by ,
3.50/ 5stars
by htmldevelop From Bootstrap Templates
2050-12-12 $ 17
Visia - Multipurpose One/Multi Page
Author clasdesign
Visia is an onepage/multipurpose HTML5 template. It is based on Twitter Bootstrap framework. It is responsive, retina ready, easy to customize, SEO friendly, has awesome animations & much more. 33 different pages come with this template. The template is best suited for portfolio, small startups, personal & business usage.
Features: Based on Twitter Bootstrap 3.3.5; One-Page and Multi-Page Demos; 33+ Different Pages; Fully responsive; HTML5 & CSS3 Validated W3C
Visia - Multipurpose One/Multi Page - by ,
0.00/ 5stars
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by clasdesign From HTML5 Templates
2050-12-12 $ 17
web studio bootstrap template
Author Mecovache
This bootstrap website template is created by the latest Bootstrap 4, CSS and JS frameworks for web design studios, web developers and all the companies with design related services. This HTML Bootstrap theme can also be used by individual designers who would like to present themselves and their portfolios. The template design is very modern, authentic and sophisticated because it was created by one of the best web designers. The provided theme can be used to launch a highly functional website with a minimum amount of effort, time and money. If you have never worked with Bootstrap templates
Web Studio - Creative Agency Template - by ,
3.50/ 5stars
by Mecovache From Bootstrap Website Templates
2050-12-12 $ 18
Wrapkit - Responsive Admin Template
Author Stilearning
Wrapkit is a Responsive Admin Template powered with Twitter Bootstrap.
This Admin template can be used for any type of web application. Designed with an attractive look, rich features and easy to customize. Works well with frontend/backend frameworks like angular Js, etc. Wrapkit has a huge collection of plugins and UI components and works well on various sizes devices (desktop, tablets, and phones).
Features: Unique, clean, attractive, rich features, easy customize; Fully Responsive (works on all major browsers, tablets, and phones); Bootstrap 3.2.0
Wrapkit - Responsive Admin Template - by ,
0.00/ 5stars
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Wrapkit - Responsive Admin Template - by ,
0.00/ 5stars
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by Stilearning From Admin Dashboard Templates
2050-12-12 $ 18
Handyman service bootstrap template
Author Mecovache
This is a Handyman Bootstrap Website template that can be purchased by businesses and companies that offer home renovation, carpeting, roofing and all other house repairing services. This is a great chance to launch a highly functional website through Bootstrap theme for such a decent price. So if you are operating in the above-mentioned industry and do not have a webpage then do not hesitate and download this Bootstrap theme. If you do not know what Bootstrap is and how Bootstrap templates are operated, then follow this link and read an article which explains everything in a detailed manner:
Handyman service bootstrap template - by ,
0.00/ 5stars
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by Mecovache From Bootstrap Templates
2050-12-12 $ 18
Truck service bootstrap template
Author Mecovache
Truck service - bootstrap parallax responsive template This is a Truck Service Bootstrap template which can be purchased and used by businesses or companies that offer various truck services. The Bootstrap template can be used to launch a website with minimum effort and time without any code editing or programming. Nowadays, the Bootstrap website templates are very famous on the market since they have a couple of very important advantages. One of the most important benefits is that the template is constructed in a way that all the work is already done. The person will just need...
Truck service bootstrap template - by ,
0.00/ 5stars
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by Mecovache From HTML Bootstrap Themes
2050-12-12 $ 18
Roofing Bootstrap Theme
Author htmldevelop
Another new template has been added to our Bootstrap Types collection. The number of Bootstrap themes and templates in our marketplace is expanding almost every day, which means more and more customers can find exactly the templates they are looking for. The newly added template is for companies working in: Homebuilding, Construction, home renovation, architecture and of course roofing – building, repair, and cleaning. The template is created in the Bootstrap base, and it is a fully responsive template, which means that it changes the design to adapt to different devices.
Roofing Bootstrap Theme - by ,
0.00/ 5stars
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by htmldevelop From Bootstrap Templates
2050-12-12 $ 18
Ecology - wordpress responsive theme
Author WordPressDev
Introducing our ecology responsive template. If you are about to launch your ecology company or upgrading your website, here is what we have for you. A beautiful template starting with 6 general page information which highlights a different section of your website. Beside that comes our beautiful slideshow which has as the main objective to deliver different aspects and purpose of your website with a white color background that keep your audience aware of the environmental aspect you want to achieve by your business. After that comes our card layout display which introduces various ecological
Ecology - WordPress responsive theme - by ,
0.00/ 5stars
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by WordPressDev From Theme Wordpress
2050-12-12 $ 18
Eco wordpress theme
Author WordPressDev
The world is inclining towards cleaner and better reasonable renewable energies. Gridgum is instantly exuberant to present our latest eco template. Our green WordPress theme begins from the top with 6 most standard options which are "Home, About us, Services, Products, Partners and Contact Us". After that comes our slideshow joined by its HD picture that will highlight the distinctive services that you offer. This slideshow is totally significant since you can use to progress for each purpose of enthusiasm for renewable and green energies.
Eco (green) WordPress Theme - by ,
0.00/ 5stars
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by WordPressDev From Wordpress Templates
2050-12-12 $ 19
Wild Horse Bootstrap Theme
Author Mecovache
We would like to represent a brand new Wild Horse HTML5 Bootstrap template. This suggested template can be used by various companies who are interested in Equestrianism (More often called Horse riding). It is a great fit for the businesses that are involved in Horse club and breeding. This highly developed template is created by bootstrap, CSS, JS, and HTML5 (jQuery) frameworks. In the XXI technology is advancing so rapidly and significantly that the most important part of the template is that it should definitely be responsive. The reasons are that, in this time and age, people not only ...
Wild Horse - HTML5 Bootstrap Theme - by ,
0.00/ 5stars
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Wild Horse - HTML5 Bootstrap Theme - by ,
0.00/ 5stars
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by Mecovache From HTML5 Responsive
2050-12-12 $ 19
taxi template
Author Mecovache
This is Taxi Bootstrap template (theme) which means that it can be used for companies and businesses that offer taxi services. In past years, we had to go out on the street to catch a cab, then telephone system was introduced so we could make a call and now we have internet. Most of the people are searching the information they need on the internet, therefore, it is vital for companies to have websites and share their data. For taxi companies, it is an absolute must to have a website to let their customer know their contact information, price ranges and give an opportunity to order a cab
Taxi service bootstrap theme - by ,
0.00/ 5stars
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by Mecovache From Bootstrap Website Templates
2050-12-12 $ 19
bikers bootstrap theme
Author Mecovache
This is the Bikers Club Bootstrap website template that can be purchased and downloaded for a very attractive price. Nowadays most of the people, companies, and businesses are using already created and designed templates to launch their own websites. Why? Because they are very convenient, time and money consuming and they deliver nicely done end-product (website). This is the Bikers Club HTML Bootstrap website template which can be downloaded and used by people who are involved and are part of Bikers unity. In this decade, people are more eager than ever to share their private or non-private
Bikers Club - bootstrap theme - by ,
0.00/ 5stars
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by Mecovache From Bootstrap Themes
2050-12-12 $ 19
Nursing care bootstrap template
Author webdev
If you have a nursing care agency, hospital, home health care, or any business related to Medicare, then this template would fit your needs perfectly! This nursing home website template is created by the latest bootstrap framework, which means that it is responsive. Responsive templates tend to change their design according to the device with which the users are viewing it with. If you have any concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to contact our excellent support team, who will do their best to help you!
Nursing care Bootstrap Template - by ,
0.00/ 5stars
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by webdev From Bootstrap Templates
2050-12-12 $ 19
Flextop bootstrap theme
Author Mecovache
We are happy to introduce our new Bootstrap e-commerce template that can be purchased and used by anyone who wants to have an online store where will be offered computers, gadgets, clothes and etc. Nowadays, it is very convenient to have an online store because it is the easiest way to attract as many customers as possible and make easy transactions. The bootstrap template has a lot to offer, by purchasing this theme one can easily launch a highly functional website that can be accessed by various browsers like Google Chrome, Opera, Mozilla, Internet Explorer
Flextop - Bootstrap ecommerce Template - by ,
4.50/ 5stars
by Mecovache From Bootstrap 4 Templates
2050-12-12 $ 19
Energy Saving - Bootstrap Template
Author Mecovache
Energy saving - Responsive Bootstrap theme (template) This Bootstrap theme is perfect for anyone who is in the related business. Bootstrap has many advantages, the biggest one is its ease of use. Anyone who has the slightest experience and the smallest computer skills can manage a simple Bootstrap. Another one of its advantages is responsiveness. In the 21st century, it’s important that any website be reachable anytime, anywhere. People should be able to visit your website from devices other than PCs and laptops. Device responsiveness is exactly what – a responsive website
Energy Saving - Bootstrap Template - by ,
0.00/ 5stars
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by Mecovache From HTML Bootstrap Template
2050-12-12 $ 19
Communication Wordpress responsive theme
Author WordPressDev
Communication Wordpress responsive theme (template) Introducing our WordPress responsive communication theme. You can benefit from using this themes by its default communication website design but also with its beautiful card layout design. Cards layout are growing at an exponential rate in the last recent years, in this theme, there are two different card layout: on the top of the page, where you have six different basic options, “company, services, solutions, support, client, and contacts”. Between the first and the second card layout, there is a responsive slideshow pictures
Communication WordPress Theme - by ,
0.00/ 5stars
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by WordPressDev From WP Themes
2050-12-12 $ 19
Default author logo
Arifa is a new modern Vue JS template for IT & SaaS startups. This is created for business and tech-focussed agencies who offer IT based digital Applications and services. This template is suitable for Startups, IT Solutions providers, Software services, Business Startup, AI startup, Data Science startup, and any other tech business agencies.
Arifa - Vue Nuxt IT Startup Template - by ,
0.00/ 5stars
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Arifa - Vue Nuxt IT Startup Template - by ,
0.00/ 5stars
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by codenpy From HTML5 Templates
2050-12-12 $ 19
Lawyer template
Author Mecovache
This is a new Lawyer Responsive Bootstrap theme. This template has everything a lawyer’s website should have, it’s structure fits the lawyer theme perfectly. Firstly, it is a premium bootstrap template, therefore it is easy to use and manage by anyone who knows how to use a computer. Bootstrap has another huge advantage – responsiveness. This template fits any screen size perfectly, it changes layout and design according to the screen size of devices it is entered from, so people can access it on their smartphones, tablets anytime they want.
Master lawyer Bootstrap Theme - by ,
0.00/ 5stars
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by Mecovache From Premium Bootstrap Themes
2050-12-12 $ 20
Admin template
MVP Ready includes beautiful Admin and Front End Templates using the Bootstrap 3 framework
Theme Features:
Lightweight, Fast Loading
Bower Support
GruntJS Support
Less CSS
Responsive, Mobile First
Ready Made Color Combos
Outstanding Documentation
Wide Browser Support
HTML5 & CSS3, Built with Bootstrap
MVP Ready - Admin & Frontend Theme - by ,
0.00/ 5stars
very bad
MVP Ready - Admin & Frontend Theme - by ,
0.00/ 5stars
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MVP Ready - Admin & Frontend Theme - by ,
0.00/ 5stars
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by jumpstartthemes From Bootstrap Templates
2050-12-12 $ 20
Admin template
Author ravindra
Adminer is a responsive admin dashboard template built with Twitter Bootstrap Framework
This dashboard template and it has a huge collection of reusable UI components and integrated with jQuery plugins also.
Adminer can be used for applications(CMS, CRM, Custom Admin Application, Admin Dashboard). Adminer template works on all major web browsers, Desktop, iPhone, iPad, Tablet and is any smartphone friendly.
Adminer - Responsive Dashboard Template - by ,
0.00/ 5stars
very bad
by ravindra From Admin & Dashboard Templates
2050-12-12 $ 20
Jasmine - Responsive Admin Template
Author ravindra
Jasmine is a responsive admin dashboard template built with Twitter Bootstrap Framework and it has a huge collection of reusable UI components and integrated with jQuery plugins also. Jasmine can be used for applications(CMS, CRM, Custom Admin Application, Admin Dashboard). Jasmine template works on all major web browsers, Desktop, iPhone, iPad, Tablet and is any smartphone friendly.
Features : Clean and Fully Responsive Design; works with multiple devices; HTML5/CSS3; jQuery Powered; Latest Bootstrap v3.3.6
Jasmine - Responsive Admin Template - by ,
0.00/ 5stars
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by ravindra From Admin Templates
2050-12-12 $ 20
Black label bootstrap template
Author Mecovache
Black label is bootstrap parallax Multipurpose responsive template. This template created by one of the best designers on the entire web. This is clear & minimalistic design template. Template realized by latest bootstrap and jQuery frameworks. We will try to upgrade the template in the future with the newest pages. Build whatever you like with this Template. Be it Business or Corporate, Portfolio or freelancer, Design Agency or Magazine, Parallax, Blog or App Showcase, just everything is possible with This theme.
Black & white label bootstrap template - by ,
0.00/ 5stars
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by Mecovache From Bootstrap Templates
2050-12-12 $ 20
Painting wordpress theme
Author WordPressDev
Gridgum is fulfilled to show our most recent painting WordPress theme. This painting company template or more general template for painting starts with 7 most fundamental decisions at the upper left corner which outlines how your site is sorted out. After that comes our delightful slideshow joined by various HD picture. Each photograph of the slideshow presents an organization or a plan or a certain service that your site offers. The slideshow is not the last part to show your assorted organizations, you will be upbeat to understand that we give you four card design with
Painting WordPress Theme - by ,
0.00/ 5stars
very bad
by WordPressDev From WordPress CMS Template
2050-12-12 $ 23
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